
a platform helping overseas Chinese citizens to make return plan

Project Information


How can overseas Chinese citizens access the most updated travel information and quarantine policies so that they can plan their return trip easily, practically, and accordingly on an interactive platform?

Challenge Context

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries and territories have imposed travel restrictions for citizens and non-citizens. China is one of them. Numerous rules on flights, country of departure, reason of entry, etc. are imposed by the Chinese authority in order to slow the spread of the virus. In most cases, overseas Chinese citizens must follow all rules if they want to return their home country without hassle.

Approximately 11 million people with Chinese citizenship residing abroad, according to World Migration Report 2020. Many overseas Chinese are eager to return to their home country due to a variety of reasons, including the rampant spread and inadequate control outside mainland China.

However, rules that Chinese government has imposed are rigid and comprehensive. Land borders are generally closed, and international flights are heavily restricted and overseen by Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). The majority of inbound flights is cancelled under the “Five One” policy, which only allows mainland Chinese carriers to fly just one flight a week on one route to any country and foreign airlines to operate just one flight a week to mainland China. Additionally, before boarding the flight, nucleic acid and antibody tests of COVID-19 are required at a specified testing institution based on the consular district.


In response to the problem context, we are motivated to develop a platform not only provides our targeted users with most updated travel and quarantine policies but also provides them with tools to manage their travel plan, guiding users through the complicated procedures from preparation, scheduling for nucleic acid test to quarantine process.

Key Features

Features designed based on user research and market research
provide users tools & information to plan for travel During Pandemic


TravelSaver will automatically generate a estimated timeline for users based on users' departure location, destination as well as the estimated departure date.
The Timeline page consists with 4 major stage: Preparation, Testing, Flight and Quarantine to provide comprehensive overview of required actions for each stage of travel.
Certain action items will lead users to other pages or external website in order to complete the particular task.

To-do list

A checkbox version of the timeline. Users could check/uncheck each action item as ways to keep track of their progress.

Quarantine Policy

An information page providing users with most updated quarantine policy in China and in user's destination city.
Information is extracted from government information website and will be updated daily.
Will implement additional features to allow users validate the quarantine policy and provide more detailed information.

Presentation Video

introducing the context, features and future steps for this project


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.
Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat.
Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.


Han Chen

Wayne Wang

Yixuan Wen

Harry Zhan

Project Status